Friday, February 24, 2012

Weight bearing exercises force your body

You want to know more about prevention? Read on to learn how you can prevent the

and debilitating fractures, making some simple lifestyle changes. That is my personal risk of osteoporosis? Loss of bone mass in osteoporosis is the result of genetic and environmental factors. To prevent osteoporosis or stop bone loss you must first understand your own. NHS says osteoporosis can affect men and women, and women are at greater risk because changes in hormone levels can affect bone density. Here's how to strengthen and protect your bones. First learn about risk factors for osteoporosis. Then take charge and modify these risk factors can be controlled. Depending on the specific risk factors, you can also talk to your doctor about. What is a test of bone density of osteoporosis? Bone density test measures a small part of one or more bone to assess bone strength and the potential risk of osteoporosis. Craps is usually measured by test bone density include the hip, spine and. The most widely used test of bone density testing DXA hip and lower spine. DXA dual energy lasix heart failure x-ray means absorbtsiometrii. DXA test is painless and takes about 10 minutes. It uses only part of the energy needed for radiography of the anabolism Your doctor may refer you to the density of bone densitometry test and give you your T-score that is the overall strength of your bones. T-bill is a measure of how you compare young people of the same sex and race. If T-scores from 0 to 1, you are considered normal. If you are below average, T-bill is a negative number. T-criterion between -1 and -2. 5 shows a decrease of bone mass, a condition called osteopenia, which is mild thinning of bones. This is not so strong as osteoporosis. T-criterion below -2. 5 (eg, 3) means that you bone mass more than 2. 5 times thinner than in young adults. This is a sign that you have osteoporosis. How important regular exercise to prevent osteoporosis? It is recommended that adults at least 30 minutes every day to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. Weight bearing exercises force your body to resist gravity and stimulation of cells in the body that make new bone. Strength training leads to muscle in order to bring to the bone. This leads to increased bone strength. Strength training and increases flexibility and reduces the likelihood of falling - the number one risk factor for hip fracture. These exercises not only help you improve your muscle strength, they also help strengthen your bones:

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