Friday, February 24, 2012

There are a number of causes of osteoporosis ...

There are a number of causes of osteoporosis and are mainly related to lifestyle. Those who are not related to lifestyle, such as gender, age, early menopause in women, race and ethnicity, body frame and genetics we can not do much lasix 40 mg ivp or anything so why not focus on lifestyle factors that may to change, start making some changes and delay or avoid pain, osteoporosis? Here are some (controlled) factors have been identified as causes of osteoporosis or weakened bones:

Lack of weight bearing exercises - such signals the body to add exercises and strength of bone material to accommodate changes in lifestyle. Not >> << boron and vitamin D3 intake of boron deficiency markedly increases urinary calcium excretion, especially in postmenopausal women. Boron activates Vitamin D, and thus affects the absorption and utilization of calcium. Lack of magnesium in the diet deficiency of gamma-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic and Aacid These essential fatty acids' improve calcium absorption, decreased excretion and increased deposition of calcium in the bones. "

(Kruger MC, Coetzer H, Winter R, G Guericke, Van Papendorp DH Calcium, gamma-linolenic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid in addition senile osteoporosis Aging (Milano) 1998 Oct; .. 10 (5) :385-94 ). They are found mostly in vegetable oils with subjects such as walnuts, flax seeds, chia and hemp. Fluoride in drinking water. Fluoride accumulates in bone, and although it "technically" increases bone mass and density, shows very strong that fluoride intake can actually double the frequency of hip fractures. (See: ... WWW fluoridealert org / Health / bone / density / cortical-trabekulyarnoy HTML) bone mass and density is always equal to the strengthening of the bones showed how understanding of how drugs such as work Fosamax. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) does not slow down the rate of bone loss, but at an increased risk of cancer, especially breast and endometrial cancer in women. Unlike natural progesterone increases bone strength and density stimulates osteoblasts, cells of bone building and without risk. Recently, "Research millions of women", published in medical journal The Lancet suggested that women from certain types of HRT were twice the risk of breast cancer. This drug Fosamax works by destroying osteoclasts, cells that remove old bone so your osteoblasts can create new bone in its place. As old bone is removed, resulting in dense, but not stronger bones. Less common conditions of use of alcohol or tobacco. chronic lung disease, kidney, stomach and intestines

prolonged use of antacids, anticonvulsants or steroids

high acid diet, perhaps the most serious factor is extremely common and easily avoided. Products that, when metabolized, contribute to low pH of the body actually washed out calcium from your bones. They do this because the body does everything possible to maintain the critical pH of blood and if it becomes acid, will use every effort to maintain blood pH at 7. 4. Standard medical book Human physiology and mechanisms of disease Haytona Arthur, MD concerning the body pH (or acid-base balance) in. A diet high in kyslotoobrazuyuschyh products is a major cause of rapidly increasing rates of osteoporosis. This is not related to sex and, thus, men receive from women with osteoporosis rates. Milk and osteoporosis are linked, but not as most people are forced to believe. Dairy actually need more calcium to neutralize its acidity than contribute to the body. Animal products as a whole, in connection with high (relative to non-meat sources of protein) sulfur-containing amino acid-forming and thus contribute to bone loss. Lack of calcium from milk or any other source is rarely the real cause of osteoporosis. .

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