Friday, February 24, 2012

Dear and often gsd specialty and all breeds


Fred Lanting, All rights reserved, but reprinting is allowed after permission >>. << Please read his other articles on, for example, or email him at: >>

. << or specific articles. >> << Dear and often GSD specialty and all breeds judge for many clubs >> << worldwide, with KS and Other credentials, Mr. Lanting since 1966 has lectured on Gait-and Structure, Dogs >> << orthopedic disorders, and other topics, and judged in 30 countries >> << He was described as a former director of OFA

worlds leading non-veterinarian authority on hip dysplasia joint. He is

lecture at numerous veterinary schools in the U.S. and abroad, and

author should read these books for dog owners (e-mail

for summary). Canine HD and Other Orthopedics Disorders:

This extensive revision is complete (about 600 pages), details

illustrated, annotated, monumental work that can be used as >> << premium edition guide for breeders and veterinarians, and

research supplement for veterinary students. Equally valuable to the owner

any species. It covers all aspects of HD and other orthopedic, bone or

spine, and includes genetics, diagnostic methods, treatment options

, and the role of the environment. Your autographed

will be sent to the U.S., once the appropriate amount

received and processed. Price: 68 dollars in the United States, or to ask about page >> << abroad. Combine orders Total German Shepherd on

the lasix water pill same author ($ 50 plus $ 4 shipping). 17 of 20

head suitable for owners of any species. Order immediately and directly from the author

and email will be canceled. .

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