Friday, February 24, 2012


Subcutaneous emphysema is a known complication of invasive procedures >> << some >> << surgeries and health

with airway obstruction. It can also occur during mechanical ventilation for acute respiratory distress syndrome (HRDS), and can be attributed to pneumomedia-stinum with or without pneumothorax. Any condition that creates a gradient between intra-alveolar and perivascular interstitial pressure may create a pneumo-mediastinum with subcutaneous emphysema. This condition results in injury, discomfort and anxiety, but rarely airway compromise and respiratory failure. Management is usually conservative, but in severe cases, micro-drainage described in adult patients. Case Report 30-month old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who developed febrile neutropenia and severe respiratory failure requiring intubation after the first induction chemotherapy. Despite the wide coverage of antibiotics, antifungal and antiviral drugs, the child developed HRDS. Open light and permitting strategy was hyperkapnyy. Despite the light shielding strategies he developed left side pneumothorax is easily released from the catheter forward, whereupon development pnevmomediastinuma and massive subcutaneous emphysema of the head to the scrotum. Escalated ventilation requirements without any other identifiable cause suggested that his massive subcutaneous emphysema combined with pnevmomediastinuma created a restrictive model for ventilation. Search literature has shown the potential of simple solutions with a modified perforated angiocatheters. We decided to use 18 gauge catheter through the size and condition of the skin of the child. Two angiocatheters were prepared in a bed in sterile conditions as described Beck, et al. [1], with minor modifications. A smaller catheter selected, only five holes were opened using a scalpel, three above and two below plastic and the needle was in place. The area of ​​insertion was changed. Instead of the subclavian region, we decided to stay away from the site of vascular port and decided to use the area most swelling, which corresponded to lower thoracic region midaxillary line. After training area chlorhexidine scrub and draping, changing catheters were inserted subcutaneously 40-45 degrees, about 0. 1.5 cm cranial to and forwarded in a plane parallel to the full insertion. Angiocatheters were recorded on tape with clear skin with tape and connected to underwater seal drains tend to a closed system and allows direct visualization of air evacuation. Compression massage was applied in relation to nurses drain angiocatheters every 4:00. Dehumidification has been enhanced with massage, which verified the simultaneous observation bubbles in the chamber seal water. Angiocatheters were in place for 24-48 hours to stop bubbles. Within 24 hours, a significant improvement in ESE was not observed. Pnevmomediastinuma also declined, albeit more slowly, full resolution occurring within five days. Fan support can break, and the patient was successfully Extubation within five days. There were no complications associated with insertion angiocatheters subcutaneously. The patient was transferred back to the palace a week after Extubation. He remains at home for its maintenance chemotherapy after six months of his stay intensive care. Discussion of various invasive and inconvenient methods were used for the treatment of large subcutaneous emphysema, with potential to cause subcutaneous emphysema itself. Subclavian cuts, extra tubes breast or intrapleural or subcutaneously, and the inclusion of large diameter subcutaneous drains with or without suction, and Tracheostomy was the traditional treatment options. Successful micro-drainage of subcutaneous emphysema with simply arranged angiocatheters was first described by Beck et al. [1]. This was followed by three other reported cases of adult [2-4]. Leo and others. [5] and reported their experience with microdrainage catheters in a retrospective review of 12 patients from the European Institute of Oncology in the database after major thoracic surgery. The procedure is said to have effective and free of complications [5]. Our patient required increasing ventilation pressure, despite the tolerance permits hyperkapnyy after development and ESE pnevmomediastinuma, and only after microdrainage we can wean supplemental oxygen and ventilation pressure. This observation indicates that the subcutaneous air can potentially create a restrictive lasix 40 mg ivp defect in the ventilation of the lungs are diseased. We noticed that this minimally invasive method was simple and effective in our patient, and is unable to serious complications. We believe that this procedure can be considered as first-line therapy for symptomatic patients in the ESE children. Contributors: All authors contribute to the management of patients and preparation of manuscripts. Funding: No competing interests: Not applicable.

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References 1. Beck PL, Heitman SJ, Modi CH. Simple design with subcutaneous catheter for treatment of severe subcutaneous emphysema. Breasts. 2002; 121:647-9. 2. Ozdohan M, Gürer, Gokakin AK, Gogkus S, Gomceli I, Aydin R. Treatment of severe subcutaneous emphysema in perforated anhiokateter. Intensive Care Med. 2005; 31:168. 3. Perkins LA, Jones SF. Resolution of subcutaneous emphysema of the subcutaneous placement anhiokateter finish. Respiratory Medicine Extra. 2007, 3:102-4. 4. Srinivas R, N Singh, Agarwal R, Ahharval. Management of large subcutaneous emphysema and pnevmomediastinuma micro-drainage: rethinking time? Singapore Med J. 2007, 48: E323-6. 5. Leo F, P Solli, Veronesi G, L Spahhiari, Pastorino U. Performance microdrainage in severe subcutaneous emphysema. Breasts. 2002; 122:1498-9. .

Weight bearing exercises force your body

You want to know more about prevention? Read on to learn how you can prevent the

and debilitating fractures, making some simple lifestyle changes. That is my personal risk of osteoporosis? Loss of bone mass in osteoporosis is the result of genetic and environmental factors. To prevent osteoporosis or stop bone loss you must first understand your own. NHS says osteoporosis can affect men and women, and women are at greater risk because changes in hormone levels can affect bone density. Here's how to strengthen and protect your bones. First learn about risk factors for osteoporosis. Then take charge and modify these risk factors can be controlled. Depending on the specific risk factors, you can also talk to your doctor about. What is a test of bone density of osteoporosis? Bone density test measures a small part of one or more bone to assess bone strength and the potential risk of osteoporosis. Craps is usually measured by test bone density include the hip, spine and. The most widely used test of bone density testing DXA hip and lower spine. DXA dual energy lasix heart failure x-ray means absorbtsiometrii. DXA test is painless and takes about 10 minutes. It uses only part of the energy needed for radiography of the anabolism Your doctor may refer you to the density of bone densitometry test and give you your T-score that is the overall strength of your bones. T-bill is a measure of how you compare young people of the same sex and race. If T-scores from 0 to 1, you are considered normal. If you are below average, T-bill is a negative number. T-criterion between -1 and -2. 5 shows a decrease of bone mass, a condition called osteopenia, which is mild thinning of bones. This is not so strong as osteoporosis. T-criterion below -2. 5 (eg, 3) means that you bone mass more than 2. 5 times thinner than in young adults. This is a sign that you have osteoporosis. How important regular exercise to prevent osteoporosis? It is recommended that adults at least 30 minutes every day to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. Weight bearing exercises force your body to resist gravity and stimulation of cells in the body that make new bone. Strength training leads to muscle in order to bring to the bone. This leads to increased bone strength. Strength training and increases flexibility and reduces the likelihood of falling - the number one risk factor for hip fracture. These exercises not only help you improve your muscle strength, they also help strengthen your bones:

Patients with vertebral deformities have 5.

Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone in which bone is destroyed, which makes the bones become more brittle, leading to increased risk of fractures. Osteoporosis (and osteopenia, which refers to low bone density in general), can affect people of all ages. Loss of bone mass in adolescence and early adulthood may be due to inability to achieve maximum bone density and accelerated bone loss may be especially noted around menopause and subsequent years. Many factors, including lack of proper nutrition and exercise, contribute to bone loss during these periods. It can also occur as a result of numerous basic conditions, many of which are often not evident during a visit to the doctor. Thus, laboratory tests, including serum and urine studies useful in distinguishing secondary to investigate. A common misconception is that osteoporosis is a disease only found in older people. However, it is very typical for young people, even in their teens and twenties, are diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis. The diagnosis may become apparent after the development of fractures, although you have osteopenia or osteoporosis without fracture. Risk factors for osteopenia and osteoporosis include personal history of fracture, eating disorders, or excessive use

such as oral corticosteroids (eg, hydrocortisone). Young athletes are at particular risk. For example, the female athlete triad is a condition where in a disorderly eating, amenorrhea, and osteopenia. This triad is a serious problem in young athletes who restrict their calorie intake and exercise excessively, thus developing amenorrhea. This condition prevents the achievement of peak bone mass occurs during the critical years of bone building, at the age of 30. Bone density lost during this period is not fully recovered from the possible return of normal menstrual function. This is why prevention in young women sporting the best cure. Identification of osteopenia and osteoporosis in young persons in some respects even more important than in older people because these people have less bone density at the outset, and they have a higher chance of developing more severe osteoporosis throughout life, including complications such as multiple fractures and spinal deformities. Thus, it should be emphasized that people with fractures or risk factors for osteopenia and osteoporosis are careful evaluation for appropriate treatment and careful observation. Another common and dangerous error is the association of osteoporosis in women, an opinion that ignores 20% of all cases. As a result, people with fractures or other significant risk factors for osteoporosis, such as prolonged treatment with corticosteroids or oral medications interfere with male hormones, often underestimate the risks. Diagnosis of osteoporosis by BMD with (bone mineral density) test. BMD measured

(DXA - usually pronounced "DEXA"), which measures the mineral content and bone size. Another method of DXA images, instant vertebral assessment (IVA), also known as morphometric X-ray densitometry (MHA), determines the shape of the body of vertebrates. This can help detect early vertebral fractures was shown to detect these fractures by almost 20% of asymptomatic women. Interpretation of results on should be made with caution, as there are potential confusing factors. For example, the presence of osteoarthritis in the spine BMD may seem better than it actually is, raising reading. Lateral spine DXA selectively measures the spine without interference trabekulyarnoy neural processes and seem more sensitive to developmental bone loss than posterior, anterior DXA. Hip-PRO is more accurate in women over 60 years, since the prevalence of osteoarthritis in the spine in elderly people. Precision error should be considered when evaluating serial examinations ABOUT. Such errors can be amplified when different DXA machines used and the results compared. Some people with osteoporosis and fractures suspected osteopenia and osteoporosis should undergo thorough laboratory research, consisting of blood and urine tests to rule out secondary causes of osteoporosis. Laboratory studies include a complete metabolic panel, complete blood count, ESR, parathyroid hormone, thyroid hormones, urinary N-telopeptydu and 24 hours urine, among others. These laboratories can assess for bone and helps to exclude the presence of underlying conditions such as hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and rarely conditions such as bone marrow diseases like multiple myeloma. The frequency of the main conditions in women with bone loss is about 9% and the incidence increases significantly from 66% in men with bone loss. Since the presence of vertebral deformity increases the risk of additional fractures and fractures of the hip, radiographs can be very important to help detect the presence of quiet fractures, especially of the spine. Patients with vertebral deformities have 5. 4 and 2. 8 the relative risk of spine and hip fractures, respectively. In addition, although not specific, or used as a diagnostic tool, the appearance on the radiograph of the bones lasix 30 mg can give a rough estimation of bone density. Once the causes of osteoporosis and osteopenia are defined, the appropriate treatment. Comprehensive Approach Treatment includes medical and non-medical management:

Treatment of osteoporosis treatment involves administration of calcium and vitamin D and additional anti-osteoporosis drugs, and correction of the basic conditions. For example, hyperthyroidism may require medical and / or surgical correction. Specific deficiencies of calcium and vitamin D, require adequate supplements. The first line of treatment for osteoporosis and osteopenia is made up of calcium and vitamin D. and bisphosphonates drugs. Bisphosphonates, which are anti-resorptive medications or medications that slow bone destruction, this class of drugs, including oral alendronate (fosamaks) and ryzedronat (Actonel), and intravenous Aredia (pamidronat) ibandronat (Boniva). Unlike bisphosphonates, is anabolic agents that stimulate bone formation. Parathyroid hormone (Forteo) is one such stimulant drugs. Non-medical prevention and treatment of osteoporosis exercises weight bearing is necessary in order to stimulate adequate bone formation, and exercises such as running and jumping, as shown particularly effective in increasing bone formation. Fall prevention includes measures such as changing your environment, minimizing medication known to increase risk of falls, wear appropriate footwear, and participation in implementing programs that increase strength, balance and flexibility. In addition, prevention of fractures of the hip joint can be achieved using hip protectors, which are external orthosis help absorb the force of falling.anabolic effect Good nutritional value is important - especially women - to ensure the preservation of the menstrual cycle. Inadequate caloric intake can lead to cessation of menstruation, leading to bone loss. Menstrual disorders cycle should be adjusted as necessary by the decision of aberrant model is to restore proper energy balance and the return of normal menstruation. Treatment with oral contraceptives or other procedures may be necessary. Osteopenia and osteoporosis are conditions that are highly treatable. However, early diagnosis and treatment is essential to prevent complications of osteoporosis, such as cracks and deformation. Unfortunately, treatment options osteopenia and osteoporosis are often overlooked, but also appropriate training of physicians can provide comprehensive treatment programs include medical and non-medical management of these conditions. .

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Some of the other sports as exercise ...

There will lasix generic no prescription say that those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. Exercise is always beneficial for maintaining a healthy body and mind. If a person suffers from osteoporosis, he / she can get rapid relief of many profitable

Exercises for osteoporosis including all medications, diet and treatments. Balanced exercise causes the bones to take stress and helps to increase bone mass. Exercises such as

bearing weight training or increasing the quantity and quality of bone minerals. In addition, it helps maintain a healthy heart, liver and kidneys and normal blood pressure. They also clear the stomach and increase the requirement of calcium in the body. People always make the right food intake after exercise. As already mentioned, after exercise, a person must eat food that is full of calcium and minerals. Some researchers and authors Osteoporosis say that exercise for osteoporosis should include weight-bearing, flexibility and stability. Among all, aerobics, aerobic walking is particularly favorable. Aerobic walking in the sun makes bones stronger. If a person is 4:57 miles in weak, it can be very good for his health bones. Osteoporosis patient must keep daily exercise for 45 minutes to 60 minutes a day. A week later, the man offered to do resistance exercises two or three times. You can later connect more weight on the move or may be repeated weight. Proper exercise should be carried out in different parts like the hand on the chest, abdomen, back and legs. Skin revelation in the sun also helps bones to absorb vitamin D from sunlight. The presence of vitamin D is necessary in the conversion of calcium from the body inside bone mass. Yoga, an ancient form of exercise to keep body and is very favorable for the prevention of osteoporosis. However, you should always consult a doctor to take a posture of yoga, if he / she is suffering from this disease. It should also consult with an experienced teacher to get knowledge about it. Osteoporosis sufferer can practice Bikram yoga is actually a kind of hatha yoga. This yoga should be done in a warm room at a temperature from 96 to 106 degrees Fahrenheit. Bikram Yoga removes unwanted toxins from the body and improves muscle power and their elasticity. Yoga asanas as Kati-utthana and Setubandha also excellent

Exercises for osteoporosis. These asanas possibilities bone wrist, waist, knees, elbows, ulna, radius, scapula, shoulder, arms and legs. Yoga reduces stress always mind and promotes healthy breathing. Many patients with osteoporosis were also asked to practice water aerobics as a treatment. These steps aerobics increase bone mass, especially in the spine, hip and wrist. Water helps muscles to move faster and grow to be stronger. Stages of water aerobics are similar to normal aerobics, exercise they practice in the water, like running, walking and other body movements. Some of the other sports as exercise swimming, cycling, etc., also good for increasing the capacity of bone. Ladders, climbing, climbing and dancing feet help to manage and maintain body weight and is good exercise weight bearing. .

These irreversible damage and makes bronchioles

Emphysema is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), also known as chronic obstructive airways disease (Coad). It is often caused by exposure to toxic chemicals or smoking. Emphysema is a progressive lung disease caused by damage to the airways in the lungs called bronchioles. These irreversible damage and makes bronchioles and reduces respiratory function. There are four stages of emphysema. Stage 0: At risk - a normal lung function. Step 1: Myahkyy emphysema - mild decrease lasix 100mg in lung function. Stage 2: Moderate emphysema - 50-80% of light.vitamin for immune system Step 3: severe emphysema. - 30-50% of light. Stage 4: Very severe emphysema (terminal stage) - less than 30% lung function. Mild chronic cough, phlegm and wheezing

Barrel chest (chest increased in size from front to back). Emphysema develops gradually over many years, so you may not notice any symptoms to light already suffered irreparable damage. Damage to the lungs can not be reversed, but treatment can help relieve symptoms. If you smoke, the number one advice to stop smoking to slow loss of lung function. Medicines - Broncholiators medicine that is inhaled to help reduce breathlessness, wheezing and coughing. Corticosteroids can be taken innhaled or in pill form to reduce inflammation in the lungs. Oxygen therapy - Oxygen therapy is given through nasal cannula. For patients with emphysema oxygen levels in the blood below normal, oxygen therapy proved effective in increasing life expectancy. Antibiotics - used to treat respiratory infections, which can be life threatening if not treated. Pulmonary Rehabilitation - a new form of treatment of emphysema, which can increase energy and reduce breathlessness by an individual exercise program. Pulmonary rehabilitation is effective in slowing the loss of lung function. Easy reduction surgery - Part of the damaged lung is removed to remove the remaining lung function. Transplant lung - lung transplantation is the only known cure for emphysema and is usually considered only when life expectancy is less than 2-3 years. Alternative Treatments - There are a number of different alternative treatments described on the Internet. Some of them can be found. People with mild emphysema have normal life expectancy if they quit. If the treatment guidelines and a healthy lifestyle, are those diagnosed with emphysema may live close to normal over time. Even those with severe emphysema is the survival of five years or more. Smoking increases the severity of disease and may reduce life expectancy by 10 years or more. .

There are a number of causes of osteoporosis ...

There are a number of causes of osteoporosis and are mainly related to lifestyle. Those who are not related to lifestyle, such as gender, age, early menopause in women, race and ethnicity, body frame and genetics we can not do much lasix 40 mg ivp or anything so why not focus on lifestyle factors that may to change, start making some changes and delay or avoid pain, osteoporosis? Here are some (controlled) factors have been identified as causes of osteoporosis or weakened bones:

Lack of weight bearing exercises - such signals the body to add exercises and strength of bone material to accommodate changes in lifestyle. Not >> << boron and vitamin D3 intake of boron deficiency markedly increases urinary calcium excretion, especially in postmenopausal women. Boron activates Vitamin D, and thus affects the absorption and utilization of calcium. Lack of magnesium in the diet deficiency of gamma-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic and Aacid These essential fatty acids' improve calcium absorption, decreased excretion and increased deposition of calcium in the bones. "

(Kruger MC, Coetzer H, Winter R, G Guericke, Van Papendorp DH Calcium, gamma-linolenic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid in addition senile osteoporosis Aging (Milano) 1998 Oct; .. 10 (5) :385-94 ). They are found mostly in vegetable oils with subjects such as walnuts, flax seeds, chia and hemp. Fluoride in drinking water. Fluoride accumulates in bone, and although it "technically" increases bone mass and density, shows very strong that fluoride intake can actually double the frequency of hip fractures. (See: ... WWW fluoridealert org / Health / bone / density / cortical-trabekulyarnoy HTML) bone mass and density is always equal to the strengthening of the bones showed how understanding of how drugs such as work Fosamax. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) does not slow down the rate of bone loss, but at an increased risk of cancer, especially breast and endometrial cancer in women. Unlike natural progesterone increases bone strength and density stimulates osteoblasts, cells of bone building and without risk. Recently, "Research millions of women", published in medical journal The Lancet suggested that women from certain types of HRT were twice the risk of breast cancer. This drug Fosamax works by destroying osteoclasts, cells that remove old bone so your osteoblasts can create new bone in its place. As old bone is removed, resulting in dense, but not stronger bones. Less common conditions of use of alcohol or tobacco. chronic lung disease, kidney, stomach and intestines

prolonged use of antacids, anticonvulsants or steroids

high acid diet, perhaps the most serious factor is extremely common and easily avoided. Products that, when metabolized, contribute to low pH of the body actually washed out calcium from your bones. They do this because the body does everything possible to maintain the critical pH of blood and if it becomes acid, will use every effort to maintain blood pH at 7. 4. Standard medical book Human physiology and mechanisms of disease Haytona Arthur, MD concerning the body pH (or acid-base balance) in. A diet high in kyslotoobrazuyuschyh products is a major cause of rapidly increasing rates of osteoporosis. This is not related to sex and, thus, men receive from women with osteoporosis rates. Milk and osteoporosis are linked, but not as most people are forced to believe. Dairy actually need more calcium to neutralize its acidity than contribute to the body. Animal products as a whole, in connection with high (relative to non-meat sources of protein) sulfur-containing amino acid-forming and thus contribute to bone loss. Lack of calcium from milk or any other source is rarely the real cause of osteoporosis. .

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